Movement Flow Routine to Manage Tension & Stress
With instruction from Eduardo De Jesus, Registered Kinesiologist

We hope that everyone is staying healthy and safe during these times. With many of us working from home and continuing to practice physical distancing, this new working environment has proven to be challenging. Unfortunately, many of our new home offices do not have the perfect ergonomic set up for your workspace. Similarly, you may become absorbed in your work and forget to take care of yourself. The boundary lines between work and home life become blurred.
Working from home during this time can be difficult, and it may take a toll on both your physical and mental well-being. It is important that we set aside time throughout the workday for a few minutes of self-care. The key to managing stress and tension is to be proactive!
Here are some strategies to keep yourself energized and give your body and mind the break it deserves.
During these breaks it important to move your body! Your body loves to move, so give it some much-needed attention with these exercises.
My favorite movement flow routine
It’s quick and easy and it targets the neck and upper back muscles. Tip: Complete these exercises with smooth controlled movements.
Neck circles
Rotate your head slowly in a clockwise motion, repeat in the opposite direction. Repeat: x3 Clockwise x3 Counter-Clockwise

Shoulder rolls
Roll your shoulders in a forward motion, repeat in the opposite direction. Repeat x5 Forward x5 Backward

Side bend stretch
Raise your arm forward and up all the way above your head. Lean to the side until you feel a stretch. Repeat: 3 x each side -> 15 Second hold each side.

Scapular retraction
Pull shoulder blades back and down, avoid hiking the shoulders. Imagine pinching an object between your shoulder blades. Repeat: 1x8x3 sec hold -> 8 Reps with 3 second hold each.

Neck stretch
Looking forward with shoulders slightly retracted, bend your ear toward the shoulder on the same side. Repeat: 1x30sec each side -> 30 Second hold each side.

Pec stretch
Place your forearm against the wall with arm at shoulder height, twist away from the wall. Repeat: 1x30sec each side -> 30 Second hold each side.

Finish off strong with a moment of mindfulness. In this practice, we call STOP, you are invited to put an intentional pause in your day in order to become aware of your experience in the present moment.
Stop for a moment and pause.
Take 5-10 slow, deep, nourishing breaths.
Observe your experience by becoming aware of your current thoughts, emotions, and body sensations non-judgmentally.
Proceed with your day.
Be sure to set an alarm throughout the day to give yourself these much-needed breaks and establish a movement flow routine! Thank you for practicing physical distancing and doing your duty to flatten the curve.
Be well and be safe.